Track and enforcement of valid Vendor Certificates
Allows for the tracking of certificates such as BRC, HAACP, Organic, and Kosher, at the vendor, vendor and item or vendor and item category combinations. Documents can then be uploaded to the certificate card in Business Central for easy reference and storage. Certificates often need to be renewed, so a start and end date can be entered on the certificate, to ensure validity. The app prevents a purchase document from being released if there is not a valid (unexpired) certificate setup.
In order to comply with raw material certifications such as Organic or Kosher, valid certificates must be available during an audit. Failure to ensure a valid certificate is on file prior to receiving raw material can void your certifications. Vendor Certification can also be used during vendor onboarding to ensure that certificates for banking or 1099 tax information are collected before any purchase documents can be released for a vendor.
Contact us at Ternpoint Solutions to learn more about TPS Vendor Certifications for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – as well as our other products for Business Central.